About company

Scantronic Systems occupies a leading position among developers and manufacturers of inspection and screening systems designed to ensure the safety of industrial enterprises and critical infrastructure facilities.


years on the market of inspection systems

The Scantronic Systems company was founded in 2010 with the goal of creating domestic inspection systems with new functionality based on linear electronic accelerators.



A team of more than 150 professionals and experts in the field of nuclear physics, higher mathematics, information technology and control systems, including candidates and doctors of physical, mathematical and technical sciences.

Areas of work

  • Development, design and implementation of a high-tech engineering and technical set of solutions for the production of inspection systems;
  • Design, manufacturing, placement, provision of warranty and service maintenance of technological equipment of inspection systems;
  • Development and production of accelerator technology, as well as equipment for various purposes based on it.

104 234 254



— the total number of scans performed by our inspection systems

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Company's mission

  • Просветительская

    Increasing and stimulating interest in technical and engineering education among young people by involving engineering personnel in the development of modern high-tech x-ray inspection systems

  • Кооперативная

    Long-term cooperation with partners, support of business relationships based on transparency, clarity and unity of purposes throughout the implementation of joint projects

  • Разрабатывающая

    Support and development national technologies

  • Патриотическая

    Ensuring Russia's technological independence in critical and sensitive areas of science and technology through the preservation and development of national scientific, design and engineering schools

  • Конкурентоспособность

    Formation of competitive advantages in the market of x-ray inspection systems based on scientific and technical developments both in the Russian Federation and when promoting products abroad

  • Развитие

    Sustainable stable development of Scantronic Systems by increasing its scientific and technical potential


  • 2010

    Establishment of the Scantronic Systems Ltd. Development and patenting of key technologies for X-ray scanning, algorithms for high-energy material discrimination using own developed linear electron accelerators

  • 2013

    The first national stationary x-ray inspection system for vehicle inspection was built and put into operation

    Successful implementation of 4 groups of materials discrimination 400 mm penetration in steel and weight evaluating of the scanned object or cargo. The technology was named X-MAT

    X-mat X-mat
  • 2016

    The first national railway inspection system with scanning speed up to 70 km/h, penetration up to 350 mm in steel, with the ability to discriminate 4 groups of materials and evaluate the weight of the scanned object was built and put into operation


    kilometers per hour

    Scanning speed of the first national Railway Inspection System



    Penetration of the first national Railway Inspection System

  • 2017

    The world's first industrial C-band accelerator

    The mobile x-ray inspection system based on this accelerator demonstrated the full set of standard functions of our accelerator-based systems, which is half the size and lighter than the S-band accelerator






  • 2018

    Ten mobile x-ray inspection systems were produced for the Federal Customs Service of Russian Federation

    Федеральная таможенная служба России
    Federal Customs Service of Russian Federation

  • 2019

    The second generation of mobile x-ray inspection systems have become lighter, more reliable and safer.

    Portal operation mode is available for in all mobile x-ray inspection systems.

    The mobile inspection system designed by the State Corporation Rostec order
  • 2020

    The first food sterilization system (E-beam) is presented.


    The world's first C-band accelerator for radiation therapy (RT) was tested.

  • 2021

    An analytical system for x-ray images analyzing, based on AI technology algorithms was created.

  • 2022

    Stationary portal system ST-2635P was put into operation in Myanmar

  • 2023

    Four light portal ST-2630P put into operation in Russia



Our customers in Russia are government agencies, including the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, at whose facilities our systems are successfully operating and new ones are being installed. The company's activities are carried out throughout Russia, as well as abroad.

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